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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My parents gave me very good advice about high school and there was some things that were advice on what to do and advice on what not to do. I was very interested in what they had to say. My dad told me a bunch of things that that he didn't do in high school that he advised me to do and I had to pull him aside and tell him dad times have changed and it is the 21st century. Overall my parents gave me some very good advice and I will try to utilize that in my upcoming high school years.

My dad told me that a mistake that he made in high school was that he didn't start thinking about the career that he wanted until he was a senior in high school and so that put a lot more stress on his life because he had no idea what classes to pick in college and so he just had to experiment his freshman year and see what path that he wanted to take for his career. So the advice that he gave me was to figure out what path that I want to take in my career now so that I can take classes in high school to prepare for the classes that I will take towards that career in college. As of right now I already know what career I want to get into and that is I want to follow in my dad's footsteps and become a carpenter. This helps because next year I am going to take classes that will prepare me for apprenticeship school in college.

Some "Don't do," advice that my mom gave me is to not overload myself with very challenging classes and electives. She said, " Yeah some people think that they can just get them over with but she said that in that process it makes your freshman year so much harder than it is put out to be and will overload you with so much unneeded stress. You have four years to complete high school and so she told me to spread out my classes and take them year by year.I will try to take this advice to better my high school years and make them a breeze.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

School in a perfect world

 I like school and I am so proud that I live here in Philomath where the learning environment. As weird as this sounds I am always so excited for school to get out but by the time the end of school comes around I just become so bored it seems like and I just can't wait for school to start back up again. I love how the school runs our middle school but in a perfect world I would change a few things up.

First off, I would make it so that we didn't have to take all of the subjects that we have to take right now. I believe that we should be able to do this because right now in middle school we are deciding or have already decided what career we want to take when we are a grown up whether it is school related or an athletic career so we could just spend all day practicing on the career that we want to take in life.For me I would practice on my sports all day for my career and become the best in every aspect of my game to make sure that I would go pro in the sport or sports that I want to play professionally.

Secondly, I wish that if we missed a class for any reason that we could watch the class virtually through a camera so that even though we aren't actually there we really are. I would like this because then if I miss school for any reason then I could still get the assignment and get my homework done so that I could be caught up for the day that I would return by. The only downside to this is that nobody would want to go to school virtually if they were in Hawaii so that might be a little obstacle.

Lastly, I would make it so that if we had a sports game then the teachers couldn't give out any homework. I would like this because it is the worst feeling in the middle of a game when you are worried about homework and then it affects your sports performance. If this rule was put into play then I would be very happy because it would take a lot of unneeded stress out of my life.  

Monday, May 6, 2013

I Believe...

         I believe that in life anyone can achieve a goal as long as they set their mind to it. I am a guy who is big on motivation before a sports game or before a big test and knowing that I can achieve that task.

Ever since I was a little kid I have always had the dream to play professional baseball or basketball. As a kid I have been laughed and teased because to some people the goals are so far fetched to them. When people tell me that I can't achieve something it just makes me work that much harder to achieve the goal and prove them wrong. This goal of mine has led me to strive to be the best that I can be at any aspect in my life. I have made it a point in my life to be a great athlete and a great friend and student. I believe that if I can achieve these goals that I can be a very successful person in life.

I believe that every single goal relatively reachable can be achieved with hard work, perseverance, and confidence. I have found that with confidence and knowing that you can achieve something that you push yourself mentally and physically to achieve anything. My dad has pushed me since I was a little kid in telling me that I was capable of accomplishing  things that he never could in his lifetime. This has led me to put in the hard work to become the athlete and student that I have become today. It can be as simple as in P.E. when you are asked to do 20 push-ups to do 25 instead and just be in that much more prepared for the goal that you want to achieve and that was always meant to be yours. So go out there and get your goal because you can reach it but it won't be easy.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Have you ever had a pulled muscle? Well if you have then you need to visit Xayd Magana's blog and check out this KT tape and how he says that it can help to relieve and help to cure the pain so that you can get back to playing the sport that you love pain and injury free.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

If I could cure one disease it would be lung cancer. I would want to be able to cure this disease because my grandma is dying from it and if i could do anything in my power to help cure her i would. Here are some facts about lung cancer.

1. Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in both men and women in the United States. In 1987, it surpassed breast cancer to become the leading cause of cancer deaths in women.

2.Lung cancer causes more deaths than the next three most common cancers combined (colon, breast and prostate). An estimated 160,340 Americans were expected to die from lung cancer in 2012, accounting for approximately 28 percent of all cancer deaths.

3. The number of deaths due to lung cancer has increased approximately 4.3 percent between 1999 and 2008 from 152,156 to 158,656. The number of deaths among men has reached a plateau but the number is still rising among women. In 2006, there were 88,586 deaths due to lung cancer in men and 70,070 in women.

4.The age-adjusted death rate for lung cancer is higher for men (63.6 per 100,000 persons) than for women (39.0 per 100,000 persons). It also is higher for Blacks (53.4 per 100,000 persons) compared to Whites (50.2 per 100,000 persons). Black men have a far higher age-adjusted lung cancer death rate than White men, while Black and White women have similar rates. 

5.Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide, accounting for 1.3 million deaths annually. Cancer accounted for 13 percent of the 58 million total worldwide deaths in 2004. 

 If you would like to learn more about lung cancer then visit 

Facts gathered from 

Monday, April 15, 2013

I think that a night in Hawaii is the best dessert dance idea because who doesn't like Hawaii and everything to do with it. I think that by having this as an idea it will lift the moods of all of the students, because there is just something about Hawaii that is very pleasing and relaxing. This picture below displays my ideas for props and decorations for the dance. For the photo booth i would like to see it decorated in palm trees and tiki's. I believe that by putting these on the photo booth it will really just make the students feel like they are actually in Hawaii. I have many decorations from a past Hawaii party that i had in the past and I would be more than happy to donate these items to the school. I believe that if this idea falls through it will be so much fun and i am so excited to see how this will turn out.